centos 7.3 veya 7.4 tabanlı linux sunucusunu merkezi hesaplama yöneticisine bağlarken(freeipa - ipa ) aşağıdaki durum mevcut ise; SSSD enabled SSSD service restart was unsuccessful. Configured /etc/openldap/ldap.conf Unable to find 'admin' user with 'getent passwd admin@localdomain.net'! Unable to reliably detect configuration. Check NSS setup manually. NTP enabled Configured /etc/ Hata ile karşılasacaksınız. Bu bir bug scientific linux ve redhat de giderilmiş, fakat bu düzeltme centos'a yansımamış gibi görünüyor. Aksaklığın çözümü; chmod 600 /etc/sssd/sssd.conf systemctl restart sssd [root@cnode002 ~]# ipa-client-install Discovery was successful! Client hostname: cnode002.localdomain.net Realm: localdomain.net DNS Domain: localdomain.net IPA Server: headnode.localdomain.net BaseDN: dc=hpc,dc=localdomain,dc=lan,dc=tr Continue to configure the system with these values? [no]: yes Synchronizing time with KDC... Attempting to sync time using ntpd. Will timeout after 1...