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Oracle® VM Release Notes for 3.4.2


Alternatif sanallaştırma sistemlerinden olan oracle vm son sürümü 3.4.2 çıkmıştır.

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Oracle® VM Release Notes for 3.4.2

Oracle VM Manager 3.4 README

README for Oracle VM Manager 3.4 Patch Update.
This patch update for Oracle VM Manager 3.4 is a complete Oracle VM Manager installer ISO that includes all the cumulative bug fixes and security updates since the Oracle VM Manager 3.4.1 release.

Downloading the release

The patch update can be downloaded from My Oracle Support, patch ID 22902502.

Oracle VM Manager 3.4.2 Build 1384

This 3.4.2 release for Oracle VM Manager offers new features, security updates and bug fixes. For a full listing of all the contents of the release review the Oracle VM Release Note for 3.4.2.
Oracle VM Manager 3.4.2 build 1384 has been validated in combination with Oracle VM Server 3.4.2 build 1384 and Oracle VM Agent for SPARC 3.4.2 build 1384.

Oracle VM Manager 3.4.1 Build 1369

Oracle VM Manager 3.4.1 build 1369 is an errata update for the 3.4.1 release build 1350. Build 1369 offers fixes for bugs that were identified after build 1350 was released.
Oracle VM Manager 3.4.1 build 1369 has been validated in combination with Oracle VM Server 3.4.1 build 1351 and Oracle VM Agent for SPARC 3.4.1 build 1350.

Bug Fixes

Notable bugs fixed in Oracle VM Manager 3.4.1 build 1369 are:
  • 23003986 – Fixes an issue where the upgrade does not complete when VM origin URLs or network install path is greater than 512 characters.
  • 23012337 – Fixes an issue where OVA files with URLs that are greater than 512 characters cannot be imported.
  • 23017746 – Fixes an issue where the user cannot proceed beyond the web UI login prompt after successfully entering user credentials.
  • 23031621 – Fixes an issue where in some cases the pre-upgrade script fails with an error “cannot concatenate 'str' and 'javainstance' objects”.

Oracle VM Manager 3.4.1 Build 1350

This 3.4.1 release for Oracle VM Manager is a new feature release.
Oracle VM Manager 3.4.1 build 1350 has been validated in combination with Oracle VM Server 3.4.1 build 1351 and Oracle VM Agent for SPARC 3.4.1 build 1350.

Known Issues

The following known issues exist with Oracle VM Manager 3.4.1 Build 1350:
  • 23003986 - Upgrade does not complete when VM origin URLs or network install path is greater than 512 characters. Additional information including a script to check configurations prior to the upgrade is available through My Oracle Support Doc ID 2121734.1.
  • 23012337 – Cannot import an OVA file with URLs that are greater than 512 characters. Contact Oracle Support for information on a workaround for this issue.
  • 23017746 – Cannot proceed beyond the web UI login prompt after successfully entering user credentials. As a workaround, the CLI is accessible and the gensslkey command can be run. Once done, the web UI will be accessible after restarting the ovmm service.
  • 23031621 – In some cases, the pre-upgrade script fails with an error “cannot concatenate 'str' and 'javainstance' objects”. Contact Oracle Support for information on a workaround for this issue.

Oracle VM Upgrade Instructions

Refer to the Oracle VM Installation and Upgrade Guide: the Oracle Technology Network (OTN): details.

Additional Information

Refer to the Oracle VM Release Notes for 3.4.2: a list of features that are introduced with this release.
Oracle VM documentation is available on the Oracle Technology Network (OTN):
For the latest information, best practices white papers and webinars, please visit


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